Jody P. | Alberta, Canada

Prior to working with Maddison I just swung from the hips when it came to nutrition! I generally ate really healthy food, but didn't pay attention to how much I ate. I figured that as long as I was eating healthy food I would be good. Fast forward to my mid to late 30's...I had ramped up my training, which meant I was running more and lifting more. I was sooooo exhausted and missed my perky self who could get up at 4:30am to workout. I felt lethargic and unmotivated.

I had thought about reaching out to Maddison for MANY MONTHS, but avoided because I was afraid of counting anything. I didn't want to get obsessive about it and was worried it would have a negative impact on my mental health. I WISH I HADN'T WAITED! When I finally bit the bullet I was so pleasantly surprised. Maddison has so much grace for every kind of human being, and she knew exactly what I needed. When I started to count my macros I discovered how significantly I was undereating!! Maddison helped me to gradually increase those numbers and provided valuable tips on easy ways to get more protein in without bulky amounts of food.

There are sooooo many things she shared with me that are staples in my everyday nutrition plan. I was actually shocked at how unrestrictive Maddison's approach to nutrition is. After working with Maddison I now have confidence in planning my food, tracking my food (I do not do this daily anymore), and I am not afraid to count my macros.

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