If you're tired of feeling defeated, discouraged, and dissatisfied with your results - Guided Goals is different!

This program includes:

  • Personalized Training Plan
  • Personalized Macro Goals
  • Nutrition 101: How to Eat *Not* What to Eat
  • Mindset Mentoring
  • Guide to Setting Goals
  • One on One Coaching Calls with Maddison
  • + so much more

to help you finally get your the results you've been working towards.

I take a personalized approach built on the foundation of teaching you how to build a healthy body, mindset and lifestyle! I work with YOU - around your schedule, lifestyle, and goals!


neveda, usa

Cameron G.

"I had been a runner for a long time but had completely plateaued in my fitness. Bored and unmotivated, I was fortunate to come across Maddison at just the right time. I was reluctant, having never tried a trainer or any kind, but it was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Anyone can give you a list of exercises and pointers (though I still use them to this day), but Maddison gave so much more. She exudes inspiration and encouragement, and my life is richer — and my running times better — for having had the fantastic experience of training with Maddison."

Alberta, Canada

Jody P.

"Prior to working with Maddison I just swung from the hips when it came to nutrition! I generally ate really healthy food, but didn't pay attention to how much I ate. I figured that as long as I was eating healthy food I would be good. Fast forward to my mid to late 30's...I had ramped up my training, which meant I was running more and lifting more. I was sooooo exhausted and missed my perky self who could get up at 4:30am to workout. I felt lethargic and unmotivated.

I had thought about reaching out to Maddison for MANY MONTHS, but avoided because I was afraid of counting anything. I didn't want to get obsessive about it and was worried it would have a negative impact on my mental health. I WISH I HADN'T WAITED! When I finally bit the bullet I was so pleasantly surprised. Maddison has so much grace for every kind of human being, and she knew exactly what I needed. When I started to count my macros I discovered how significantly I was undereating!! Maddison helped me to gradually increase those numbers and provided valuable tips on easy ways to get more protein in without bulky amounts of food.

There are sooooo many things she shared with me that are staples in my everyday nutrition plan. I was actually shocked at how unrestrictive Maddison's approach to nutrition is. After working with Maddison I now have confidence in planning my food, tracking my food (I do not do this daily anymore), and I am not afraid to count my macros."

Ontario, Canada

Catherine S.

As a nutritionist, I felt such a heavy amount of shame surrounding my current health and wellness. I fell out of love with my body and let myself get to a place where I couldn’t even recognize myself anymore. Stress and bad lifestyle habits caught up with me.

Working with Maddison helped me to kickstart my journey again in a way that felt both equally supportive and attainable. The regular progress updates and check ins, the meal planning and fitness plans were excellent. But I think the biggest shift for me was the mindset shift. What I’ve learned from her is something that I will take with me going forward for the rest of my life. She has helped me to find myself again, and for that, I can’t thank her enough

  • "My husband and I began working with Maddison, we were overweight and exhausted. The plan was so doable, we get to eat foods we love and the exercise programs are so fun and effective. I’m happy to report that we have both lost 25 pounds and more importantly we have become so much stronger and we no longer feel tired all the time. We feel younger than we have in decades! If you want to improve your health this is the program you want, we got lasting results quickly and we loved every part of it!"

  • "With Maddison’s help I have not only gotten back to my pre pregnancy weight but I am also almost at my goal weight before I was pregnant! Her nutrition tips have been a great help in starting me on a more nutritious and healthy path. I am feeling healthier and stronger and loving my body again!"

  • "Working with Maddison has been the most life giving fitness experience I have ever had. Through the nutrition program I learned how to make friends with food. After years of a roller coaster ride of disordered eating ... I finally eat without reward or punishment mindset. I have never felt more freedom with food! The fitness program fits me and my lifestyle. She always pay attention to the details of what I say. Even regarding my lack of sleep. Thank you Maddison for helping me find freedom with food and to start enjoying exercise again!!!"